Out of the many fruits that we can eat, one of the most nutritious is blackberries. This is because these are rich in Vitamin C and fibers, which is a good thing if you want to have a stronger and fit body.
What’s also great about it is that it’s low in calories, which is why you won’t get fat by eating it regularly.
With this, it makes perfect sense for you to plant blackberries in your garden or backyard. However, you need to transplant it later on and transfer it to another place to help further it grow.
In this article, we’re going to teach you how to transplant blackberries the right way.
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Things you need to prepare
1. Trowel or shovel

The first thing you need to prepare is a trowel. If you don’t have one, any shovel will do. However, it would be best if you have a shovel that is not too big. Small shovels that have a short handle is the one which is highly recommended.
See to it that the head is durable and that it has a pointed shape at the tip of its head. This will make the transplanting work easier because of the easy digging and carrying of soil.
In choosing one, it’s also best if you see to it that it has soft and comfortable handles because you’ll never know how long it will take you in transplanting your blackberries.
2. Bowl and damp newspapers
Prepare a bucket or any bowl. You also need to have damp newspapers. You’re going to use this as the temporary container for the uprooted blackberry plant. This will serve as the plant’s temporary shelter.
This is the reason why you need to see to it that it is clean and free of any unnecessary substances or things which might cause harm to the exposed plant. A bucket or bowl around 1 to 2 feet in diameter is the recommended size.
3. Water
You are going to need water for the soil to dampen and solidify later on when you’ve already placed the blackberry plant in its new location. To make it easier for you, it would be best if you’re going to place the water on a garden sprayer or hose.
When you’ve already transplanted it, it’s also important for the plant to have a steady supply of water. In making this happen, you can place a soaker hose in the new location.
4. Landscape fabric staples

You’re also going to need landscape fabric staples. This is important because this is the one which will hold the newly transplanted Blackberry in place.
What these fabric staples do is that it locks the plant into place and firm up the ground. This helps in avoiding erosion from happening.
5. Fertilizer
Just like any other plant, blackberries need to have a steady dose of nutrients. This means that supplying them with a sufficient supply of water is not enough. They need something more. With this, it makes perfect sense for you to prepare fertilizer.
You need to feed them with it once every month. Blackberries are more complicated than other plants because they contain a lot of Vitamin C and fiber. It’s because of this that they, too, need a lot of nutrients.
Step-by-step process in transplanting blackberries

– The first thing you need to do before you transplant your blackberries is to know the kind of canes present. There are two kinds of canes. The first one is the flora-canes which have a brownish and woody look. While the second one is the primocanes that, are greener and smaller. The primocanes are the ones you need to remove and transplant because they haven’t yet bare fruits.
– The next thing you need to do is to find the newly grown plant shoots. The best ones to remove are those that are 6 to 12 inches long and those that have hard and strong stems. When you’ve spotted them, use your shovel or trowel to cut right straight into the stem. Then remove the shoots and the roots that surround the plant. Place them in a bowl or bucket containing a damp newspaper.
– When you’re done placing them in the bowl or bucket, you can now start removing the plant debris that might have stuck up on your shovel. Then remove any old leaves, stems, and offshoots that have mixed up from the clump of soil. Gently cut off the old flora-cane stumps so that they won’t grow back oddly. Pour a bit of water into the bowl or bucket so that the blackberry plant wouldn’t dry up. Then cover it with damp newspaper so that the sun’s heat wouldn’t have a negative effect on the soil’s texture.
– Choose the location where you’re going to place your blackberry plant. It should be a minimum of 2 feet away from the original place where it was taken from. Dig a hole that is 1-2 inches deeper than the original place’s hole. Make sure that the soil surrounding it is loose.
– Then, gently place the blackberries’ root clump inside the hole and cover it with new loam soil. Once it’s covered up nicely, you then pour water into it so that it will dampen and harden. This will make it more secure and less prone to erosion. You can also pour fertilizer on it every once in a while.
You can also check out this video to see the actual process of transplanting your Blackberries
To sum it all up, it is important for you to have your blackberry plant because of its health benefits. Aside from that, it’s also delicious. As the article has shown you, growing your Blackberry plant is not difficult, even if it needs to be transplanted later on.
If you just have the right technical know-how and determination, you’ll surely be growing them in no time. Fortunately, this article does just that.
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